Is Education Truly Dangerous?

Is Education Truly Dangerous?
by JBS President John F. McManus

It isn’t necessary to explain that Hitler’s Nazi regime amounted to extreme totalitarianism. The leaders of the so-called “Master Race” considered huge numbers of human beings unworthy, even unworthy of life itself. But not all were to be exterminated. Some were needed as workers to produce goods and some were forced to become servants for the Nazi leaders.

In 1959, journalist William Shirer authored “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” a monumental 1,200-page study detailing much about Europe’s experience with the Third Reich. Shirer laid out the attitude of Hitler and his chiefs about virtually everything in his remarkable work. He, of course, pointed to several varieties of horror practiced by the regime, and what he reported about education is especially revealing.

Hitler’s right-hand man, Martin Bormann, explained the Nazi thinking with regard to the already conquered Slavs in a 1942 letter sent to a fellow Party member. In part, it stated: “Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to 100 …. Every educated person is a future enemy.” Heinrich Himmler, the dreaded leader of the secret police wrote that half of the conquered Czechs would be forced to become “workers.” Those from the educated class were “intellectuals” and they were to be “eliminated.”

As for the conquered Poles, Hitler himself stated that they were “born for low labor…. There can be no question of improvement for them. It is necessary to keep the standard of life low in Poland and it must not be permitted to rise.” Addressing the potential problem of Polish priests, Hitler stated, “… they will preach what we want them to preach. If any priest reacts differently, we shall make short work of him. The task of the priest is to keep the Poles quiet, stupid and dull-witted.”

Why bring this up in 2015? Simply because the education being supplied to America’s youth parallels what was given to the people conquered by Nazi Germany, even what many living in Germany were provided.

In December 2013, statistics compiled by the 34 member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ranked America’s teenagers as follows: 31st in math; 24th in science; and 21st in reading. Each of these rankings was worse than it had been over the preceding three years. Each continues to sink.

So what have the nation’s educrats done to address the continuing slide? They gave America’s students Race to the Top, Outcome Based Education, Goals 2000, and No Child Left Behind. None of those programs helped to reverse the downward trend. Now they have produced Common Core, which is being resisted by many because it, too, will not bring improvement. It will lead even more surely to the kind of uneducated worker bees sought in years past by the Nazi regime.

“Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population, a mission closer to success than ever before as the Obama administration works relentlessly to nationalize K-12 schooling with Common Core (Image from

To learn more about how America’s education system became such a failure, we recommend reading “Crimes of The Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.” Veteran educator Samuel Blumenfeld teamed up with journalist Alex Newman to warn all Americans, especially American parents, about the need for radical change in teaching the young. Without radical change, including removing federal involvement from education (where it has no constitutional authorization), the ratings will sink further and the students coming out of the system will be ill-prepared to revitalize what was once the finest educational system in the entire world.

Education actually is dangerous for utopians or tyrants. An educated individual is a “future enemy” to a would-be totalitarian. On the other hand, he or she poses no threat to free people living in a free country.

If you want your children or grandchildren to receive a classical education similar to our Founding Fathers, we highly recommend FreedomProject Education (FPE). An affiliate of The John Birch Society, FPE provides a full Kindergarten to 12th Grade curriculum from top teachers via the Internet. The best part? It’s 100% free of Common Core!

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Mr. McManus served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the late 1950s and joined the staff of The John Birch Society in August 1966. He has served various roles for the organization including Field Coordinator, Director of Public Affairs, and now President. He remains the Society’s chief media representative throughout the nation and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. Mr. McManus is also Publisher of The New American magazine and author of a number of educational DVDs and books.

Black Lives Do Matter, Beginning in the Womb

Black Lives Do Matter, Beginning in the Womb
by JBS President John F. McManus

Doctor Elizabeth Lee Vliet is an outspoken opponent of abortion. A veteran physician, she has appeared as a guest on numerous television and radio shows, and has delivered speeches in many parts of our nation. She points out that all doctors are supposed to abide by the famous Oath of Hippocrates, composed by the celebrated Greek physician who lived from 460 to 380 B.C.

Planned Parenthood was begun by Margaret Sanger in 1916 (Photo by Underwood & Underwood [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).

The Oath is summarized by most as simply “Do no harm.” That’s accurate, but it spells out several types of harm that a doctor is supposed to avoid. A doctor, of course, is expected to be a healer, not a hurter; a life protector, not a killer. The very existence of the Oath has helped doctors gain a reputation for nobility.

Doctors graduating from medical schools are expected to take the Oath containing less than 300 words. Some medical schools have their graduates swear the oath while assembled in a group. It contains only a few prohibitions, one of which states: “I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give a woman a pessary to produce abortion. “ (A pessary is the term used in the pre-Christian era for a device used to produce an abortion.)

Some medical schools have replaced this specific mention of abortion with. “I will perform no operation for a criminal purpose.” If, therefore, a Supreme Court decision removes the criminality of destroying life in the womb, that’s OK according to the newly written Hippocratic Oath. The clear prohibition against abortion written more than two millennia ago by the man who is rightly labeled the Father of Medicine has been superseded in numerous medical schools.

A former director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Vliet is outraged as she notes defenders of Planned Parenthood complaining that calling attention to the group’s practices amount to “attacking women” or “blocking women’s health.” After specializing in treating women for over 25 years, she declares with stern emphasis, “Abortion is not health care. It is death, the antithesis of life.”

Yet, notes the good doctor, Planned Parenthood receives $500 million from the federal government every year. And the group performs nearly 330,000 abortions yearly. And, while demonstrators in places like Ferguson, Missouri, carry signs claiming “Black Lives Matter,” there are no signs noting that more than 50 percent of the victims of abortion are Black or Hispanic.

Planned Parenthood was begun by Margaret Sanger in 1916. A proud eugenicist, Sanger is idolized by today’s feminists. But she stated: “Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.” She termed Slavs, Latins, and Jews “human waste, a menace” to her idea of who should be allowed to live. She is credited by many as having paved the way for Hitler and his Master Race.

Secretly recorded interviews of Planned Parenthood officials discussing their marketing of body parts of aborted babies have recently evoked cries of foul play from the abortionists and their promoters. Rather than try to defend the ugliness of what they are doing, they attempt to shift the argument to the clandestine interviewers. They should not be allowed to do so.

In Congress, moves to bar supplying funds to Planned Parenthood have hit a brick wall, though some angry lawmakers intend to continue the effort to stop taxpayer funding of murder in the womb. They may have to overcome resistance from House Speaker John Boehner because one of his top assistants, Charlotte Ivancic, is the sister of a woman named Cate Dyer who happens to be CEO of Stem Express, the company that buys the organs of aborted infants from Planned Parenthood.

“Women’s health,” says Dr. Vliet, should be focusing “on life and health.” It should not be seeking ways to defend killing millions of unborn human beings. “Abortion ends the life of a baby,” says this doctor, adding that “if it isn’t a baby, then the woman isn’t pregnant.”

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Mr. McManus served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the late 1950s and joined the staff of The John Birch Society in August 1966. He has served various roles for the organization including Field Coordinator, Director of Public Affairs, and now President. He remains the Society’s chief media representative throughout the nation and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. Mr. McManus is also Publisher of The New American magazine and author of a number of educational DVDs and books.

Conservatism: When the Rhetoric Doesn’t Match the Record

Conservatism: When the Rhetoric Doesn’t Match the Record
adapted from the “William F. Buckley, Jr., Pied Piper for the Establishment” book by JBS President John F. McManus

When William F. Buckley, Jr., came onto the scene in the 1950s, the word “conservatism” could have been equated with “Americanism.” Conservatives wanted to preserve those institutions and principles that made America great and good. They cherished both the U.S. Constitution and traditional morality. They wanted government to protect them from evil-doers but not regulate their lives or provide them with handouts.

But over the past half century, the word “conservatism” has lost its former meaning. These days mainstream conservatives want to interject the U.S. government into everything from massively funding the nation’s schools to policing the world. And many conservatives support them.

What happened is that most conservatives were led astray. They were deceived, not by overt liberalism, but by counterfeit conservatism. And the liberal Establishment’s principal pied piper — who hit just enough of the right notes to captivate conservatives — was William F. Buckley.

The book, “William F. Buckley, Jr.: Pied Piper for the Establishment” examines the following details of Buckley’s life:

  • connections to the Council on Foreign Relations, the CIA, and Yale’s Skull & Bones
  • selection of ex-Communists, Trotskyites, and CIA veterans to staff National Review
  • failed attempt to destroy The John Birch Society
  • promotion of liberal causes, including abortion, drugs, homosexuality, and pornography.

Buckley set the stage for younger pied pipers who would lead unwitting conservatives even further astray. But by understanding how Buckley fooled at least two generations, today’s conservatives should be all the wiser. Not only should they learn from the past to avoid being fooled again, but they should begin the process of undoing the damage already done. This book provides vital information on both scores. Purchase today to learn more of the foundations of the neo-conservative movement!

If the record doesn’t match the rhetoric, or if the meaning of words need to evolve to match the actions of today’s conservatives, then a critical eye must be cast to those leaders and to their intent.

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McManus_2Mr. McManus served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the late 1950s and joined the staff of The John Birch Society in August 1966. He has served various roles for the organization including Field Coordinator, Director of Public Affairs, and now President. He remains the Society’s chief media representative throughout the nation and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. Mr. McManus is also Publisher of The New American magazine and author of a number of educational DVDs and books.

Is Polygamy Next?

Is Polygamy Next?
by JBS President John F. McManus

Professor William Baude teaches law at the University of Chicago. In his recent op-ed column published by the New York Times, he wrote: “With same-sex marriage on the books, we can now ask whether polyamorous relationships should be next. There is a very good argument that they should.” Relationships that are polyamorous (a word that doesn’t even appear in my huge 1987 Random House Dictionary), obviously refers to more than two persons cohabitating. The word could obviously mean several males, or several females, or any number of each.

Professor William Baude wrote: “With same-sex marriage on the books, we can now ask whether polyamorous relationships should be next (Photo by Mattpopovich [CC0 or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).

The “good argument” for such relationships claimed by Professor Baude stems, of course, from the recent Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. According to that revolutionary departure from several millennia of tradition and legality, two males can marry, two females can marry, and the legal door has been shut to those who believe that the noble institution can be a union of only one man and one woman. Baude does admit that it might be difficult “to modify some of our marital laws … to handle larger numbers of spouses.” He wanders far enough from the traditional view of marriage to suggest that plural marriages might be “very good for children.”

Advocates of multiple partners in marriage should be hopeful, claims the professor, because objections to such relationships as those “sometimes come to seem trivial decades later.” And the rest of us should accept these newly crafted trends in a spirit of “humility.”

While Professor Baude seems very comfortable with these possible developments, he throws a bone to those of us (this writer included) who worry what else all of these changes can bring. He closed his article with, “… once we abandon the rigid constraints of history, we cannot be sure that we know where the future will take us.”

True enough, the “rigid constraints of history” shouldn’t be ignored. But there are other restraints even more rigid, such as those issued by the Maker of all of us. Let it be said loudly and clearly that God will not be mocked. Those who are busily redefining marriage may be allowed to have their day, but they too, will eventually stand before Him who sanctified marriage as the union of one man and one woman. And He can be counted on to never alter His view.

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Mr. McManus served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the late 1950s and joined the staff of The John Birch Society in August 1966. He has served various roles for the organization including Field Coordinator, Director of Public Affairs, and now President. He remains the Society’s chief media representative throughout the nation and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. Mr. McManus is also Publisher of The New American magazine and author of a number of educational DVDs and books.

Planned Parenthood’s Grisly Practices Worse Than Massive Abortion

Planned Parenthood’s Grisly Practices Worse Than Massive Abortion
by JBS President John F. McManus

In November 1970, two years and several months before the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, The John Birch Society published its attitude about abortion. Its widely circulated statement, never retracted or softened, pulled no punches while asserting:

Abortion is murder. When, therefore, we note the cries for relaxation of laws prohibiting abortion, liberalized attitude toward abortion, or abortion on demand, we read instead, relaxation of laws prohibiting murder, liberalized attitude toward murder, or murder on demand.

Yes, there were “legal” abortions being performed in a few states prior to the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling. States where abortion had been “legalized” were classified by many as outcasts or worse. But once the 7-2 Court decision destroyed all state laws banning the practice, the number of abortions skyrocketed. Since 1973, the lives of more than 57 million infants have been snuffed out.

The largest U.S.- based agency committing this crime, with facilities throughout the nation, is Planned Parenthood (Image from Flickr by Fibonacci Blue Some rights reserved).

The largest U.S.- based agency committing this crime, with facilities throughout the nation, is Planned Parenthood. Not only has the highest court in our nation given a green light to these baby killers, Planned Parenthood receives federal funding that fuels such work. In the single year of 2014, for instance, Planned Parenthood received $528 million taken from taxpayers, many of whom intensely abhor the practice. In that year, the number snuffed out in the womb by Planned Parenthood totaled 327,000. These were all live infants needing only a few more weeks of not being molested before they could exist outside their mother’s womb. That Americans allow this to occur, and allow themselves to be taxed to fund it, is a severe indictment of our entire nation.

Defenders of Planned Parenthood like to focus on mammograms and cancer screenings, which they claim to supply. Yes, Planned Parenthood does such beneficial work. But its main effort is abortion. And now, it has been shown that Planned Parenthood harvests healthy organs from aborted infants and sells them for profit. Asked about this at a press conference after video tapings of the organization’s officials containing admissions of such a practice surfaced, White House spokesman Josh Earnest defended Planned Parenthood insisting that the organization has “high ethical standards.” Selling the parts of murdered infants doesn’t merit being included in any real “high ethical standards.” Instead the practice merits being classified as a Hitlerian criminal act.

The Obama White House has been especially chummy with Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards. According to CNS News, she has been welcomed to the White House 39 times during the Obama presidency – including four one-on-one visits with the President, two with his spouse, four with both Obamas, and the rest with a variety of the President’s assistants including Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell. Defending Planned Parenthood, Ms. Burwell pointed to preventive care such as mammograms. The problem is that most of the Planned Parenthood facilities performing abortions don’t have equipment for mammograms.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul pointed to the $10,000 campaign contribution supplied by Planned Parenthood to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The poll-leading Mrs. Clinton states, “I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood.” She has to know that this organization was founded by Margaret Sanger who should be known as one of the worst racists that ever claimed to be an American.

Planned Parenthood should not receive a penny of federal aid. Legalization of abortion must be abolished. And Americans must get back to being a place where all living humans, including those living in the womb, are treated as real persons.

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Mr. McManus served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the late 1950s and joined the staff of The John Birch Society in August 1966. He has served various roles for the organization including Field Coordinator, Director of Public Affairs, and now President. He remains the Society’s chief media representative throughout the nation and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs. Mr. McManus is also Publisher of The New American magazine and author of a number of educational DVDs and books.